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What kind of specialist should I have look at a post-glued wound?
Wound Care - 1 answer
I know someone who suffered a 2-inch cut and then glued it. I think he banged he banged his head on either a wooden door or hard floor. However, some people believe the cut was caused by glass. What kind of spe... Read more
My mother got blisters on her large toe. We consulted a surgeon and he put her on antibiotics for 8 days, but the wound has not heal. What now?
Diabetic Wounds - 1 answer
My mother got blisters on her large toe. We consulted a surgeon and he put her on antibiotics for 8 days, but the wound has not heal. What now? All the tests have been conducted (blood flow, pap smear of wound,... Read more
What is the diagnosis of Osteomyelitis?
On the left foot is a wound that converted into osteomyelitis. The patient was also suffering no sensation of pain in left foot. The patient was operated on for diastemetomylia, and now the sensation power is b... Read more
Post op 9/25 colostomy reversal a small .1 cm area will not close. Is it a stitch that didn't dissolve?
Surgical Wounds - 1 answer
The incision was left open with daily wet to dry dressings and healed nicely. This small area remains irritated and infected. Could it be a stitch that did not dissolve that is keeping the wound irritated? What... Read more
I have continuous drainage from "J" tube causing skin erosion and pain. What are treatment options?
Wound Care - 1 answer
I'm currently using jok rot powder directly to the skin. I mix calamine cream with the powder and use gauze. The skin area can't heal with the acid leakage. I need a workable treatment. What are my options? Read more
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Surgical incision from 3 hernia operations isn't healing. Should we go to a wound center?
Surgical Wounds - 1 answer
My husband has had three hernia surgeries through same incision. Each one was a year apart and now that incision is not healing. He is 80. I have been told a wound clinic would help, but if that is true, why do... Read more
I have an infected sore on my leg. The scab that formed fell off. It is deep, watery, red and green and raw underneath. Do I need to see a doctor?
Infected Wounds - 1 answer
I was injured in a car accident. My doctor set me up to go to a local wound care center in 5 weeks. The wound looks bad - can it wait that long? Read more
I am out of the PVP scrub that I'm supposed to use to clean my wound, what can I use? I was told no water on it.
Infected Wounds - 1 answer
I just got out of the hospital for having MRSA about 4 days ago. I'm currently on antibiotics. They popped a blister like infection on my thumb that needs to continue to be cleaned but I have no more scrub to c... Read more
Am I getting correct treatment for a severe wound on my shin bone? It's very deep, about 4 weeks old, and infected.
Infected Wounds - 1 answer
I have a wound on my leg that my primary care doctor treated me for about 3 1/2 weeks ago. I went to wound care. I want to make sure this is the right treatment— he debris it yesterday once and said to clean ... Read more
I am a type 2 diabetic controled by medication and diet. My recent A1C was 5.8
Surgical Wounds - 1 answer
I will be having a double knee replacement. What concerns should I have about wound care and healing? Read more
I had surgery about six weeks ago and there is a place on the stomach that is not healing. It is still draining.
General - 1 answer
I had a hysterectomy six weeks ago and there is a place on the part of my stomach that is still draining. What do you think is causing that? Had a CT scan and nothing showed the cause. Read more
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