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One year ago my left calf was crushed between two vehicles for 15 mins. Now I have a 11cm x .9cm hematoma. What should I do?
Crush Injuries - 1 answer
At the time of the injury the Hospital said that it was just bruised and released him. Now a year later he has a lot of swelling, shooting pain, numbness, and extreme pain to the touch. He had an MRI and an Ult... Read more
How can I treat an open ulcer on the ankle?
varicose ulcer, open wound on the ankle. Tried many different types of medication but nothing seems to help. What do you suggest and who should I see? Read more
I was bit on my arm by a yellow spider on Saturday at 1 pm. It's been itchy and red around the area since, and now it feels hard underneath it.
Any suggestions on what to do? Would you recommend getting it checked, or is it OK to wait a few days? Read more
Total contact casting or stay off of foot?
Wound Care - 1 answer
What is better for a diabetic, total contact casting or staying off the injured foot? Read more
What wound dressing can I use for a stage 3 with copious exudate while wearing tubi-grip compression?
Wound Care - 1 answer
Since compression, edema was ankle to foot, now since the tubi-grip compression the edema is just under the knee. This is the right foot, wound extends from lateral ankle to heel. Read more
I had a pre-cancer burned off of my leg which made a small round hole. My dermatologist has recommended different treatments to heal it.
The latest treatment is applying Metronidazole Gel USP and using a DuoDerm CGF covering. It has been 2 months since he burned off the pre-cancer and I have not healed yet should I being going to a wound specia... Read more
I'm scheduled for femoral popliteal bypass surgery. I have developed a severe infection on my foot. Should I postpone surgery?
Vascular Care - 1 answer
I'm scheduled for femoral popliteal bypass surgery. I have developed a severe infection on my foot. Should I postpone surgery? This infection has been developing over the past few weeks. Have been put on (since... Read more
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If I want to buy a therapy kit, where can I get it, and how much does it cost?
My mother had a back operation on her L5. The wound has puss, and the doctor suggested we get a kit for her wound. Read more
My hand started to pain me after few days passed, my hand became swollen and started collecting liquid. What could it be?
Chronic Wounds - 1 answer
My hand started to pain me after few days passed, my hand became swollen and started collecting liquid. What could it be? Read more
My husband was bitten by our cat while he was trying to bathe him. He was operated on. We are now in France and worried it's infected.
Infected Wounds - 1 answer
He is on antibiotics and we are cleaning and re-dressing twice daily. He was operated on the 4th of August. We are now in France. What should we do? Read more
My son 18 years old has got a wound infection
It is on left foot ankle after a biopsy procedure. The wound is not healing even after four weeks . Please advise. Read more

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